Criminal Justice Support: If there is an active prosecution, it is imperative to have a support system in place since criminal justice events can be very difficult for victims/survivors.
These tools are especially helpful for when a court proceeding is continued or rescheduled so that victims/survivors can get all get the information instantaneously.
After a mass shooting in Aurora Colorado, the District Attorney’s Office developed a toolkit to be used in other mass shootings. This toolkit provides suggestions and checklists to assist advocates throughout the lengthy criminal justice process.
Prosecution-Based Mass Violence Response Toolkit: A guide for Victim Advocates Responding to Mass Violence Incidents When the Offender will be Prosecuted:
There are 16 best practices that have been identified by the Improving Community Preparedness (ICP) Training and Technical Assistance (TTA) Program.
These include:
When planning for a MVI, it is suggested that all sections of the toolkit are reviewed and utilized so that planning can occur for what will be needed immediately after the MVI and during the recovery process.
OVC TTAC: Response Checklist:
Follow this link to view the Office for Victims of Crime Toolkit for more information
AVAP MVI Toolkit
Alaska Victim Assistance Partnership MVI Toolkit
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